Bouquet Monthly bouquet March

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- Delivery by the local florist anywhere in the Netherlands
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- Ordered on weekdays before 1:30 PM = delivered today*
- Always 6,95 delivery costs
- The displayed photo is of the medium-sized version; the standard version contains fewer flowers. Some bouquets have a unique size photo for each bouquet.
Bouquet Monthly bouquet March
Bring the spring into your home with this colorful bouquet - a true eye-catcher! The cheerful tulip, fragrant stock, and fresh chamomile bring the ultimate spring feeling inside your home. Florist Nina-Lotte from Fleurop has carefully and dedicatedly composed this beautiful bouquet, filled with the most exquisite seasonal flowers. A delight for the eyes and the perfect gift, both for yourself and for someone else. Nina-Lotte about the monthly bouquet of March: "This bouquet truly radiates the start of spring. The tulip is the ultimate spring flower and shines again in full glory in the Dutch tulip fields. The stock fits perfectly in this playful bouquet and already winks towards summer. The lovely and soft appearance of chamomile completes this bouquet entirely. March can sometimes still be a bit chilly, but with this bouquet, you will bring spring into your home no matter what." Please note: the delivered bouquet may differ from the image, as flowers are natural products.
Delivered today*
Ordered on weekdays before 1:45 PM = delivered today (Saturday 11:45 AM)
Florist for 35+ years
Recognized professional florist for over 35 years
The local florist
All bouquets are unique and crafted by your local florist