Bouquet Green certified Christmas bouquet
In stock
- Delivery by the local florist anywhere in the Netherlands
- Choose your own delivery date
- Ordered on weekdays before 1:30 PM = delivered today*
- Always 6,95 delivery costs
Bouquet Green certified Christmas bouquet
The Green certified Christmas bouquet consists exclusively of more sustainable qualified MPS-A+ or MPS-A flowers. The bouquet is personally and carefully composed from the daily fresh supply of MPS-A+ and MPS-A flowers from the local Fleurop florist. The delivered bouquet may differ from the photo as flowers are natural products.
Delivered today*
Ordered on weekdays before 1:45 PM = delivered today (Saturday 11:45 AM)
Florist for 35+ years
Recognized professional florist for over 35 years
The local florist
All bouquets are unique and crafted by your local florist